Narrative Theory

In my A2 photography, I attempted to create narrative with Photographic pieces referencing Fairy Tales, above is an extract from this,

Propp's Theory of narrative

Prop argued that no matter the differences between stories and fairy tales, they all share a common internal structure. Basically, all characters can be grouped in to either:

  1. The Villain
  2. The Hero- He/She is seeking something, motivated by the lack of said "Thing"
  3. The Donor- Provides an object with Magical quality (Q is a fantastic example of a Non-Magical Donor)
  4. The Helper- They aid the Hero
  5. The princess- The Hero's Reward
  6. The Father- The Hero's reward Giver
  7. The dispacter- Who sends the Hero
  8. The false hero
 Levi Straus- 

He argued Binary opposites in media. Or Binary Opposites.

Equilibrium Theory

"All stories are about a return to normalitly."

Equilibrium- Dis-equilibrium- Equilibrium

 Roland Barthes

 Barthes Suggests that there are five different codes within narrative.

  •  Action- A narrative device by which a resolution is produced through action. 
  • Enigma- A narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved. Works to delay the story's ending pleasurably. 
  • Symbolic
  • Semic
  • Cultural- A narrative device which the audience can recognize as being part of culture.

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