Alternative Music Genre Research

Alternative, or Indie music, is a huge bracket of any music that represents anything other than the 51% of tracks that are played. Within this Genre, there are hundreds of subcultures. Using the artist's i've already looked at, I can identify IndieElectronica, Alternative Rock, and indie-poprock.

There are several awards given out in this genre, including several award shows that are dedicated to the genre entirely.

Example's of Alternative Awards:

- Grammy Award for the Best Alternative Music Artist
- MTV Europe Best Alternative Artist.
- American Music Awards- Favorite Artist: Alternative Rock+

However, due to the broad nature of the genre, several Artist's that would class themselves as Alternate Artist's often win awards, such as fallout boy, who regularly win Music Award for Mainstream Artists. 

Origin of Alternate Music

Alternative music stemmed from Alternative Rock which is a genre that originated from the independent musical underground in the 1980's. From the electronic side of the music scene Eletronica emerged as the alternative genre, which then divided accordingly. As music production became cheaper and more avalible to the masses, indie genres became to emerge  These being music production without a label such to speak. Music distribution methods such a Youtube and Soundcloud helped this phenomena.

Fallout Boy Successfully crossed into Mainstream Charts after an Alternative Start

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