KYE KYE: Genre Research and Music Video Analysis

Within this block of analysis, i'm going to look at the conventions KYE KYE use within its visual media. I'll be analyzing its costume and use of images in there posters and photography in order to achieve a better look for my digipack.

Here are three images from the KYE KYE website. Its important to notice the use of colour grading in accordance t to the clothes that the band are wearing. Its been used to create a specific feel to the images, like they're from the past. This is also shown the clothes that the band members are wearing. There is nothing that could be shown to be over sexual or promiscuous. This seems to be more of a convention within the genre that it relies more on music than the sex appeal of the artist.

Here's another few images from the website. Here we see that the images have been de-saturated. This gives the images a more striking feel. The way that these images have been treated along with the clothes that are being worn in the shoot gives me a good concept of how one band is able to portray an Alternative image. I'm not going to compare these to the mainstream artist One Direction.

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